Results of the municipal elections across the province will be found at:
The Neebing municipal election was held on Monday, October 24, 2022.
No one has filed an application for a judicial recount under Section 62(4) and Obie Egbuchulam has officially been declared elected in the Crooks Ward (see declaration above).
Name | Position | # of Votes | Elected |
Thibert, Mark | Mayor | 437 | Yes |
Polkowski, Ziggy | Mayor | 260 | No |
Cadieux. Jill | Councillor At Large | 306 | No |
Cuthbertson, Gordon | Councillor At Large | 370 | Yes |
Hill, Katherine | Councillor for Blake | 173 | Yes |
Shchepanik, Gary | Councillor for Blake | 35 | No |
Woit, Ron | Councillor for Blake | 100 | No |
Egbuchulam, Obie | Councillor for Crooks | 79 | Yes |
Wright, Brian | Councillor for Crooks | 79 | No |
Ways to Vote:
You can vote in person on Election Day from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm at one of the two voting locations: Neebing Municipal Office, 4766 Highway 61 or Fire Hall #5, 920 Highway 608.
You can vote at any of the advanced voting opportunities being held on Saturday October 15 from 10 am to 6 pm and Tuesday October 18 from 10 am to 8 pm. Both advanced voting opportunities are located at the Neebing Municipal Office, 4766 Highway 61.
The new term of council begins November 15, 2022.
Municipal elections in Ontario are held every four years and are governed by the Municipal Elections Act. The nomination period ran from May 2, 2022 to August 19, 2022. Three offices have been acclaimed and there will be an election for the remaining four offices.
Elections for Ontario's school board trustees will also be held on October 24, 2022. The City Clerk at the City of Thunder Bay is the Returning Officer for the district school board elections. The candidates for the French Public and French Separate School Boards have been acclaimed. There will be an election for the English Public and English Separate School Boards.
Information on registered candidates for school board trustees is available on the website.
Candidates' Night:
Candidates' Night was held on October 6, 2022. Below are the audio recordings.
Part 1 - Candidates for Councillor at Large, Blake Councillor & Crooks Councillor
Part 2 - Candidates for Mayor
Municipal Elections Act, subsection 17
If, for any reason, you will be unable to personally cast your ballot, you may appoint someone to go to the voting place and cast a ballot on your behalf. This person is called your voting proxy. Read more information on how to appoint a proxy here: Appointing A Voting Proxy then complete and print the Appointing a Proxy Form in duplicate available here: Form 3 Appointing a voting proxy
Municipal Elections Act, subsection 19(6) and (7)
Contact the municipal office at 807-474-5331 to determine if you are on the voter's list?
If you need to be removed or added to the voter's list, please complete the Application to Amend the Voter's List form and return it to the municipal office.
Advanced Voting Dates
Advanced voting will be held at the Municipal Office, 4766 Highway 61.
Election Day
On Election Day, voters can vote at one of the following locations:
Yes, the elector is required to present the prescribed proof of identity and residence or complete an application in the prescribed form, including a statutory declaration that he or she is the elector shown on the voters’ list.
List of prescribed proof of identity and residence:
1. An Ontario driver’s licence.
2. An Ontario Health Card (photo card).
3. An Ontario Photo Card.
4. An Ontario motor vehicle permit (vehicle portion).
5. A cancelled personalized cheque.
6. A mortgage statement, lease or rental agreement relating to property in Ontario.
7. An insurance policy or insurance statement.
8. A loan agreement or other financial agreement with a financial institution.
9. A document issued or certified by a court in Ontario.
10. Any other document from the government of Canada, Ontario or a municipality in Ontario or from an agency of such a government.
11. Any document from a Band Council in Ontario established under the Indian Act (Canada).
12. An income tax assessment notice.
13. A Child Tax Benefit Statement.
14. A Statement of Employment Insurance Benefits Paid T4E.
15. A Statement of Old Age Security T4A (OAS).
16. A Statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefits T4A (P).
17. A Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contributions.
18. A Statement of Direct Deposit for Ontario Works.
19. A Statement of Direct Deposit for Ontario Disability Support Program.
20. A Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Statement of Benefits T5007.
21. A property tax assessment.
22. A credit card statement, bank account statement, or RRSP, RRIF, RHOSP or T5 statement.
23. A CNIB Card or a card from another registered charitable organization that provides services to persons with disabilities.
24. A hospital card or record.
25. A document showing campus residence, issued by the office or officials responsible for student residence at a post-secondary institution.
26. A document showing residence at a long-term care home under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, issued by the Administrator for the home.
27. A utility bill for hydro, water, gas, telephone or cable TV or a bill from a public utilities commission.
28. A cheque stub, T4 statement or pay receipt issued by an employer.
29. A transcript or report card from a post-secondary school.
To file your nomination you must give the following to the Clerk-Treasurer:
Nominations are to be filed in person at the Municipal Office between May 2, 2022 and 2:00 pm on August 19, 2022. Electronic submissions will not be accepted.
Appointments are not required but are recommended. Contact the Clerk-Treasurer to book an appointment.
once the nomination paper is filed with the Clerk-Treasurer, the candidate can start raising and spending money on their campaign
preliminary spending limit provided to candidates
preliminary contribution limit provided to candidates running for Mayor and Councillor
First day to file a notice of registration as a third party advertiser
a third party advertiser cannot raise or spend money on their campaign, nor begin advertising, until their registration is certified by the Clerk-Treasurer
preliminary spending limit provided to third party advertiser upon certification
Deadline for candidates to:
file a nomination
withdraw a nomination
change office
Last day for the Clerk-Treasurer to certify candidate nomination papers
Voters’ List available to candidates
Final spending limits provided to candidates and registered third party advertisers
Final self-contribution limit provided to candidates running for Mayor and Councillor
Last day to register as a third party advertiser
Election Day
End of campaign period for candidates and third party advertisers
Last day to file a Notice of Extension, Form 6, to continue campaigning to erase a deficit
Deadline for candidates and third party advertisers to file the initial financial statement
End of extended campaign period
Deadline for candidates and third party advertisers to file the supplementary financial statement (applies only to those who extended their campaign period)